Monday, September 24, 2012

Hakuna Matata Monday-Family + Friends=Disney Gals

Dreams Can Come True

Once upon a time last June a lone gal who never wore bows, who shuddered at the thought of wearing glitter or sparkles and whose favorite princess happened to be Ursula made the off the cuff comment (as she often does) “Am I the only person in the universe left that doesn’t have a Disney Blog?” Suddenly from out of the forest came the 11 most amazing, gifted, talented and more importantly kindest and caring Disney princess loving, pink and sparkly gals that ever walked the planet and the Disney Gal team was born.  Truthfully, how does one even begin to find the words to adequately define something so indescribable?
Is there anything, anywhere like having that instant Disney connection that has the ability to bring together total strangers and make them feel like family the instant they meet?  We came from all walks of life.  We were moms and grandmas, teachers, nurses, volunteers, and high-powered corporate types and even a detective. We came not just from here but from across the pond.  And now today, 100 articles later, we are sisters, friends and we are family; we are the Disney Gals and everything that goes with it.  Our joy multiplied in ways we could have never imagined.  We knew from the very beginning that we all had the love of Disney in common, and what a magical foundation that has been.  It is a foundation that has been built on over these past days, weeks and months conversation-by- conversation, memory by memory with those intricate and forever kind of memories and details that continue to emerge and bring us even closer together. 
We’ve seen each other through the good times, and the not so good times; through the highs and lows, through the best and worst of it. We have experienced firsthand what many in the world hope for, but few are so lucky enough to have-that special group of people in your life that no matter what happened that day, whether it was the toilet over flowing, going back to work and leaving the babies at home, getting back into the work force, or the medical news that would change your life forever, the Disney Gals were and always will be right there at your side to see you through.  Together we were able to realize our dreams and to truly understand what Walt meant when he said “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible” because it was together that we were finally able to do the impossible, because we knew that with each other to lean on, it was totally and completely and 100% totally possible.
The week is finally upon us that it feels we have been waiting a lifetime for! In a few short days, all 12 Disney Gals, along with a few of our special Honorary Disney Gals and Guys will be descending upon WDW for Disney Diva Weekend and   finally we will meet in person for the very first time! For weeks now I have been the little boy in the Disney commercial that says “I’m too excited to sleep!” Together we will hug and laugh and shed great big buckets of tears as we realize that dreams can and do come true.  Together we are those dreamers of all ages. 
Our imaginations are wide open waiting to finally take on the World together. For us, this trip won’t be about just having a great vacation, it’ll be about making the memories that will last us a lifetime. We will finally be able to create the snapshots in our minds that we will forever hold in our hearts: and mostly it’s about knowing that together we were able to create a legacy that will live on in all of us forever.    So to my beloved Disney Gals, say good-bye to Gus, Ezra and Phineas, leave the bows at home -this week bring on the Kitchen Sink and the bootie bounce! Look out World-the Disney Gals are taking the place by storm!

“I’ve heard it said, that people come into our lives, for a reason,
Bringing something we must learn, and we are led
To those who help us most to grow, if we let them,
And we help them in return
Well I don’t know if I believe that’s true, but I know that I am who I am today because I knew you
Like a comet pulled from orbit, as it passes the sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder, halfway through the wood
Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?
Because I knew you,
Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”

Thank you to each and every one of my Gals for accepting this non bow wearing, never to be seen in glitter gal! You have all truly changing my life for good!

Gayle is a Disney Gal that loves churros for breakfast, still gets giddy with delight at the first sight of the “Disneyland next exit sign”, loves the overwhelming emotions and memories that come with each and every return to the Happiest Place on Earth and dreams of one day being the Captain of the Jungle Boat. To learn more about Gayle, click here


  1. Oh but we did get you to go with the glitter! Love you back - Remember, "If you Dream It You can Do It" and we have. All of you have a great day and see really soon!

  2. From this bow and glitter wearing mommy thinks you took the words right out of my mouth! I have my tissues packed SEE YA REAL SOON! XOXOXO the bi-coastal, international traveling GKTW angel DISNEYGAL!

  3. I LOVE this post! What a fantastic way to start the week. Thanks so much for this Gayle! I can't wait to see everyone in 4 days!!!! Love my Gals!

  4. I wish you gals the best vacation ever together! I know you will make memories of a lifetime. It is amazing how you found each other, how you support each other through the good and bad, how you work together and it sounds like...just have Disney magic together! May all your dreams come true together on this vacation!

  5. So well put Gayle! I can't wait to see each and everyone of you!!!

  6. I can not wait! Four more days feels like forever. <3

  7. Believe in the possibilities... Live the dream...
