Monday, May 6, 2013

Welcome to "Monday Memories"

"Monday Memories"
We are starting a new weekly post called "Monday Memories". Each week a Gal will share their favorite Disney memories, whether they happened at one of the parks, hotels or possibly not at Disney, but could still be a "Disney" memory.  We hope you enjoy our "Monday Memories" and invite you to share yours with us.

I took the leap to be first for the new "Monday Memories" and took a few minutes to pick one of the many I have.  This one is near and dear to my heart and happened many years ago and like our description explains above, not in a park but was part of our oldest son getting married.  Our son Paul was getting married, over ten years ago and wanted to pick a song for our mother/son dance and he told me it had to be a Disney song (that meant a lot to me and those trips, movies, plays and music did go somewhere), okay what Disney song would work for a mother and a son as most of the songs are mother/daughter based (if you think about it).  Needless to say he came up with the perfect song: Baby Mine from Dumbo, sung by Bette Midler, which put the icing on the cake.   It made that moment that more special. Here is a photo from that dance, not the best but all we could find right now.

Paul and Mom

Because of this special memory I have received a couple of "Baby Mine" items,last year while we where at Disney my husband found this cute pair, which now sits on our bed:

Also a few years ago he found this one of a kind piece of artwork at the gallery which is located in the back of the Disney Studio's.  The artist was there signing another group piece of artwork and the store asked if he would mind signing this for me. It reminds me of that special night and a mother and son's bond, even if it is over Disney.



  1. Just gave me a few tears before breakfast, what a perfect song.

  2. Wow Judy, I am wiping the tears as I type. This is beautiful! I adore Dumbo and "Baby Mine" always gets to me. Your son's love for his mama is so evident. Happy Mama's Day ♥


  3. Thank you for sharing your special Disney memory. I can only imagine your joy and pride.

  4. awwwwww Judy!!!! thats sooo sweet!!! :) Sandi

  5. Such beautiful memories! Pass the Kleenex please!

  6. Okay, now how am I gonna top that one?? Beautiful memory Judy. Thank you so much for sharing that and kicking off Monday Memories with such a BANG!!
