Monday, July 29, 2013

Saving Mr. Bank Account

Sorry, couldn't help myself with the title. Pretty darn excited for the movie to come out, as are most of us Disney fans. However, not my blog topic...for now.

Today is full of mixed emotions. On one hand my family leaves in a week to sail on the Fantasy, courtesy of my parents, and I am beyond excited. On the other hand, it looks like Tower of Terror race weekend will not be happening for me because of the budget. Boo! But the whole situation had me thinking about ways I have saved money for Disney trips, and what is working for others. Let me share a couple favorites with you, and I would love to have you share your money saving tips with all of us.

First off, everything, and I do mean everything, goes on my Chase Disney VISA card. For those unfamiliar, you can earn up to 2% back on groceries, gas, dining and Disney! Everything else will earn 1%. When you are ready for your Disney trip, Chase will transfer the dollars you earned to a rewards card that can be used at most all Disney locations. It amazes me how quickly the reward dollars add up.

Second, I follow sites like Couponing to Disney or Mash Up Mom to make sure I'm getting the best deals I can for shopping in my neighborhood. Plus, they have many great printable coupons that stack on top of any manufacturer's coupons.

Finally, I do what so many of you do, the old change jar trick. Any change in my pocket at the end of the day goes in the jar. It really does add up, take a look:

Now for the fun part - CONTEST!

My change jar is 6 inches tall by 4 inches wide and deep. The total weight is 19.4 pounds. The person who comes closest to guessing the amount in the jar will win a pin from the Disney Fantasy! All you need to do is leave your guess on our blog or Facebook page, and if you have a money saving tip, please leave that too!

The jar will be counted Friday night so you have until then to study the picture. Good luck and happy savings!


  1. First off, LOVE my Disney Chase VISA...the best! Secondly, I'm gonna go with $76.50. Am I allowed to win??

  2. I love mine too and I also have the Disney Chase Debit card, which also gets discounts just like the regular Disney Visa.
    We also have a Disney change jar (okay we each have our own, its more a a competition in our house) it really adds up, so lets see I am guessing, 126.10. And no Tricia I don't think we are allowed to win, but it is fun to guess.

  3. Dang :( Probably doesn't matter anyway...I'm always WAY off! Haha

  4. Yes, you can guess since no one will know but me and my bank teller!

  5. We have both and live them! As the person that's always a day late and a dollar short I'm so appreciative of any help I can get!

  6. First off Kelly, I love the title of your post :-) I so predicate good, subtle humour :-)

    Second, unfortunately we do not have the Chase card up here in the cold North, but we do have travel reward cards and I have one from Visa ( and the bank I work for, but that does me a fat lot of good, NOT).

    Third and most important, I am gonna guess $98.02. My original guess was a lot higher, but then I remembered that it is only us Canucks that are saddled with one and two dollar coins :-( Yes those suckers add up, but they tend to make it into the coffee fund before anything else.

  7. My guess is...$102.55. I LOVE pin collecting, and it's looking more and more unlikely that I will see a DCL trip any time in the next few I'd love to win that pin!!

    I, too, would recommend the Disney Rewards Visa. I'm pretty amazed at how many points we rack up. I'm hoping to be able to use the rewards to pay for several nice dinners during our next WDW trip!
