Saturday, May 10, 2014


     The Disney Cruise Line offers so many opportunities to make amazing memories.  There are fun and exciting things for everyone in the family to take part in.  Some of the best memories you will make may include the activities on board the ship!
     If someone were to say "Family games", you may think, that just sounds boring!  Well, let me tell you about the most memorable experience we made aboard the Disney Wonder participating in a family game called "How well do you know your family"! 
     First off, to get noticed you had to do something very extraordinary to get the host attention!  Since the only thing I can do is a few cartwheels (I was wearing a dress and that would not have been appropriate) my husband Dale took one for the team! 
     Dale ran up on the center floor and did his notorious "donkey kick" and of course was picked to participate!  My youngest son Landen partnered with Dale to play the game. The host picked four families to participate and then went through and introduced himself and everyone participating in the game.  
     Since we are from Alabama they had to make a joke about it!  We also met other people from Alabama that were on the cruise ship, so that was cool!  Now the question you may be asking, what is an official donkey kick?  This is where you jump on to your hands and go vertical then kick your legs in the air!  They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I'll let that explain it.

The host asked my son questions and my husband had to write the answers he thought my son would say,  of course he only got about half of them correct!  But, the whole process was completely hilarious watching my son answer questions and my husband sweating it to figure out the answers!  Then the host switched them around.  My husband answered the questions and my son had to figure out my husband's answers!  We all laughed!  The whole room laughed, we made new friends,  I made friends with the people around me (since they knew that was my family was on the stage) and we took pictures with some of them.  Who would've thought that one little family game show on a cruise ship, you could make so many memories and make friends that will last a lifetime!
     So the next time you go on a cruise and you see in your Daily Navigator a family game show or something the family can participate in don't dismiss it.  That game show or activity will probably bring about one of the most memorable experiences on your cruise! 

            Just don't forget to show your DisneySide!


  1. I have got to go on a cruise! My last Disney Cruise was on The Big Red Boat-the time has come!

  2. They are the best! Everyone in the family has the best time!
