There are so many great opportunities for your young jedi masters to explore at Walt Disney World. On our recent vacation we started with one of our favorite rides at Hollywood Studios - Star Tours. It was updated since our last trip and according to my kids it was longer and much cooler! You will have the opportunity to visit many different landscapes from Hoth to Naboo to Tatooine all in one trip. Each time you ride your journey will change!
After you resist the dark side and step back to Earth you will be traveling through Tatooine Traders a cleverly placed Disney gift shop which you will need to travel through to exit the ride. Warning: the force is strong in this gift shop and it is nearly impossible to exit without making a purchase!
It is the force that sucked us in not once but twice this trip. First we decided to add to our home weapon collection by designing our own lightsabers. A cast member will walk you through this whole process from start to finish. Choose from a single lightsaber or a double ranging in price from about 21 - 25 dollars. My boys took their time choosing styles and designs and then put them to practice! Note: after you purchase your lightsabers, a cast member will tape them shut so you will have to wait to use the force. Note: On your flight home TSA will most likely search your suitcase and leave you a note saying that they checked you luggage!
You can also create your own droid doing the same process. A cast member will show you how!
My kids loved these activities!
Next to the ride and gift shop is an opportunity for your child to "train" and stay away form the dark side of the force! You can sign up your young jedi (ages 4 - 12) to participate in Jedi Training Academy. You sign up next to ABC Sound Studio as you arrive at the park. There are several time slots but they do fill up fast! We arrived early and got an afternoon slot only to have my children change their mind! You can always watch the training before you decide! It is just as entertaining!
A young jedi in training - the force is strong in him.
If your young ones need even more of a Star Wars fix make sure you visit the Walt Disney World website for Star Wars weekends that take place in May and June.
Stay strong and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!
PS Don't forget to pick up an EWOK hat!
This looks like so much fun! I was lucky enough to attend my very first Star Wars Weekend this year at Disney Hollywood Studios so I can only imagine the fun your family had! May the Force Be With You!