Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday looks at September

Welcome to the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop with the Disney Gals! This week's theme is Your September Calendar Shot. 


September is Childhood Cancer awareness month. Wish kids love to visit with Mickey

Wish Granted

Hanging out with a Goofy friend is the best medicine 

At Give Kids The World they get tickets to go to WDW.

Tricia: It's kinda hard to top Give Kids the World but I did want to send a shout-out to my niece Alexandra. This September 18th she will be 21 and can finally (after all this waiting) have a drink! :) Happy Birthday Allie!

Allie and Mickey in 2004

Judy:  I am also with Tricia and it is hard to top Give Kids the World!!! Here are some Sept. 2005 photos I found in our computer.

Remember when all the castles had the medallions on them?


September marks the beginning of the fall festivities at Disney World!

I snapped this picture (at MNSSHP) when I saw Alice grab a little girl's hand (she was dressed as Alice) and they both skipped all the way down Main St...brought tears to my eyes to see the joy in this child's eye's! 

Special thanks goes out to Deb from Focused on the Magic for hosting this weekly series.

Focused on the Magic


  1. Lori, your photos are just wonderful, I love them!! I see though them how mush this means to the children!!

  2. The little guy with Buzz & Woody is so adorable. Love his pic with the fistful of tickets too! Great photo collection, Gals!!

  3. Amazing photos! Last year we had to cancel our trip that would have finally given me the chance to see WDW dressed up for the fall festivities. Unfortunately, Hurricane Irene had other plans. One of these days I will get there for that and Food & Wine.

    1. food and wine is amazing. Bump it to the top of your list.

  4. Wow! All great pictures!! The little guy with his tickets and an ear to ear smile is Disney magic at it's best!!
    Thanks so much Disney Gals for sharing and for joining in on the Disney WW Blog Hop fun today!

    1. thanks so much for hosting. I LOVE looking at everyones pictures

  5. What great photos this week, gals! The GKTW pics and the Alice pic brought a smile to my face - thank you so much for sharing this week!

  6. Agreed- those beautiful faces and beautiful stories at GKTW can't be beat!!

  7. Give Kids the World is such a special place. I love the shot with Alice too. :)

  8. I love the pictures this week. Thanks for giving us a place to let friends know that it is Childhood cancer month. GKTW is an amazing place and I can not wait to go back in 3 weeks!

  9. The picture with Buzz and Woody is fantastic, and GKTW sounds like such a great place. We've had some friends go on Dreamlift Day from here where they fly the kids in early in the morning, then fly them home late at night, but it would be so cool to have an actual resort to stay at and enjoy a leisurely visit. Great September shots.

  10. Beautiful pictures!That little boy is adorable! I didn't know it was Childhood cancer month so thank you for letting us know. I also love the Alice shot.

  11. I love the pictures, so cute, the one of Alice and the little girl. Awesome cause GKTW so cool ;-)
