Sunday, February 16, 2014

Dream It, Do It... Who is Marty Sklar?

Photo courtesy of MSI Chicago

That is the question many of my friends asked when I told them where I am going. The Museum of Science and Industries in Chicago reached out to Disney Gal Judy to cover Marty Sklar's presentation today, and she's letting me tag along! When I tried to explain to my friends exactly who this man is, words like "Disney Legend" and "He has a window" were met with many confused looks. (Yes, I have friends that are not Disney fanatics, believe it or not.)  Then I thought of the introduction in Marty's book "Dream It! Do It!: My Half-Century Creating Disney Magic Kingdoms", written by none other than the fabulously talented Richard Sherman. He wrote this song in 2009 when Marty retired, to celebrate his 50 years of dedication. If this doesn't fill in the blanks for my friends, I don't know what will. (Maybe Marty's book!)

Sung to the tune of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious:

Before the doors of Disneyland
Were opened to the world
Young Marty Sklar was asked
To have his writing skills unfurled
The Disneyland newspaper
Was first product of his skills
Then PR and Publicity
Young Marty fit the bill...He's...

Never fearing, Imagineering
Mar-ty Sklar-e-docious
For years he's led Imagineers
With passion so ferocious
Through stress and strains
He's held the reins
With leadership precocious
Never fearing, Imagineering
Mar-ty Sklar-e-docious

For Walt he wrote his speeches
And his annual reports
Then moved to WED to help create
Attractions and resorts
From Small World to Space Mountain
To eleven Disney Parks
Our Marty steered Imagineers
With their creative sparks... (and his)

repeat chorus

He's first to give out credit
To the great creative teams
His one persisting goal
Was to perpetuate Walt's dream
Succeed he did, and so we stand
As one to give three cheers
To Marty Sklar the champion
Of all Imagineers...He's

Never fearing, Imagineering
Mar-ty Sklar-e-docious
For years he's led Imagineers
With passion so ferocious
Through stress and strains
He's held the reins
With leadership precocious
Never fearing, Imagineering
Mar-ty Sklar-e-docious!

We look forward to telling you all about this amazing opportunity this coming week. Keep your eyes on the blog for many pictures and stories!


  1. I absolutely love this! Love Marty, love this, love Imagineering! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Lin! He was an absolute joy to listen to and meet. :)

  2. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Disney fans to be able to get closer to Walt Disney through Marty, since he's been there from the beginning in the creation of all the Disney Parks. I was humbled and honored to be in his presence. Mr. Sklar was very gracious with his time in allowing pictures along with the book signing.

    1. Glad you made it Leanne. It was a wonderful experience, loved his stories and sense of humor. I just wish they would have not let anyone leave early to get in the book signing line. It was very distracting trying to hear his stories with people climbing over you to get out.

  3. Loved this article and found myself singing right along! Perfect start to my day :)
